Monday, April 16, 2018

Looking at Bob's Drawings?

We expect that Bob's 15 300 carefully arranged, postcard sized drawings will be really interesting to us all. They were a big part of his life and were produced over an important time of his life.

Each picture has something to think about - when I scanned this one and posted it, I titled it "Girl with Long Hair" but later found an annotated copy showing Bob had titled it "La Femme aux trois Visages"

La Femme aux trois Viages M03  - 2018 Bob Chuffin.  All rights reserved

If I were to post one drawing a day on this we will be getting towards the end as we look to move into the 2060s. I will obviously not be here then so need to do something different.

What I'm going to do is post regularly on different aspects of the collection like colour, subjects and style over time inviting inputs from everyone - I think that could be fun and tell us more about Bob and his experiences.

To start I am posting composite images of the 50 drawing in the first and 306th envelopes. Its interesting to look at the changes it shows.

2018 Bob Chuffin.  All rights reserved

2018 Bob Chuffin.  All rights reserved
The change from pastels to dark colours and from patterns to objects is quite clear, while the emphasis on patterns and detail is there in both sets, although they are decades apart.

Email me if you have any ideas of what we could be doing or if there is anything you need.

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